Friday, August 22, 2008

from Chicago

We covered a lot of ground today. Greek, Italian, then Pilsen, which was once Czech and now has become vividly and colorfully Mexican – we were there. Why? Because it is disappearing so fast. Ten years and it will be lost to a strip mall or a high rise. So take this walk: roll out a map and follow the streets -- deserted at times, crowded elsewhere. There’s a lot of Chicago on the near southwest. Makes me regret (only a little) that I did not stick it out and do the ethnographic stuff that I set out to do here thirty years ago.

On the other hand, it’s nice to just visit now.

I wonder if some decades into the future any of this will look anything close to what it looks like today.

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Purchase photo 1979

Purchase photo 1978

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Purchase photo 1977

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Purchase photo 1976