(The gardener will cast one eye toward the flower beds, spot the profusion of irises and the beautiful, bursting with petals peonies and roll her eyes. It's June, of course!)

We eat breakfast on the porch. The jug is loaded with peonies. That's because the garden is loaded with peonies. You could clip enough for many tables and no one would notice any shortfall in the yard.

And somehow the day speeds right to the afternoon.
When I pick up Snowdrop, the air feels sticky and warm. We spend a little time in her school playground, killing minutes until her scheduled haircut, which, believe it or not, she requested. She does look shaggy here...

Time to go, little one!
Haircut time??

A few minutes later, it's done!
(I can't say that there is a huge difference, even as I swear, I saw many inches of hair fly off her shoulders.)

The beach that has grabbed her so much this week is just around the corner. It's so hot now -- surely a perfect time for a swim!
Or is it?

The lake water here (I'm told) is 81F (27C) today! Some caring people are raking out the lake weed. Kids are swimming about, but in the shallow regions where Snowdrop hangs out, it feels just ever so slightly refreshing. She picks up a few scattered beach toys, does a quick splash and then retreats to the swings.
Snowdrop, enough! It's hot! Let's go!
It's a long long while before she is willing to get off.

(After, we play "ice cream store." Would you like some blueberry smash, grandma? Blueberry smash? Oh, does that sound good!)

As we eventually get in the car to drive to the farmette (a hot car that I thought I'd left in the shade, only the shade had moved elsewhere), Snowdrop says -- I loooove winter! I loooove every snowflake! Do you love snowflakes, gaga? Or a snowstorms? Do you love them too?
Each season is beautiful. And Snowdrop just reminded me that no season is more perfect than the next or the one before.