After, I throw some old bread for the cheepers (oops, Butter is back in the roost... must save her some for later)...

...and give a quick glance over the yard. The plants by the path to the house are at their richest now, measured by the vast array of greens, still spring-like and delicate, but also so very lush. Here's one of Ed's mom's bronze statues, blending in so well by the Solomon's Seal.

Along the same path, I've moved out the monarda (too tall, uncontrolled, and mosquito friendly for planting close to the door) and moved in the heuchera (coral bells).

And still, my gaze today returns to the crab apples, now in their final days of splendid white petals, as abundant on the path as on the branches!

But I don't linger. (Backing out along the gravel driveway, I give a nod to the tulips -- these lightly tinted pink and white ones are real treasures.)

It's an unusual day for me because I need to be at Snowdrop's home all day long, from her wake up moment (which, admittedly, happens rather on the late side)...

... until late afternoon.
Her routines are lovely and simple: I bathe her, dress her and sit her up for just a moment as I get her food ready.

She then gets her quiet (digestive!) time, on her back, with a toy (big bear Ed this time)...

And finally, there are the challenges: tummy time, books to read, stand-up play stations to master. And maybe because it's Monday, or more likely because she is that much older, her efforts are that much greater. The pushups are grand...

She is fully engaged in book reading (photo taken on a timer, so you never know what will come of it!)...

And she gives a good effort at keeping upright, even as her toes barely touch the floor in her play station.

As always, I wear her out. I type this as she catches a few precious moments napping, before we start our play again -- variations on familiar themes and yet so new, so fresh because she always approaches them with a twist and a turn. In other words, Snowdrop (says a happy grandma!) is never, ever boring.

Lunchtime. I put on her bib and as I do this, we practice vowels.

You think I'm joking, right? No, really -- she loves imitation! Here we are, working on our oooo's!

In the afternoon, the skies clear. It's like a gift -- a couple of hours of brilliant sunshine before we return to clouds. Snowdrop, you and I are going out for a walk! Past the big lake (where you can see the wind rippling the deeply blue waters)...

And then into the quiet, residential neighborhoods which, I think, are so perfect for stroller walks.
This is my day then. Maybe I haven't convinced you of its perfect contours, its lovely details. Believe me, they were there -- all perfect, detailed and contoured!