On the upside, I do not have to water the garden. And so I am making fine progress on my writing.
Nor did I get up at dawn this morning. We had both fallen asleep on the early side so I thought it surely must be his turn. It's a fair division: he'll get the cheepers out, but I still clean the coop, as I truly think my cleaning skills are far better than his. Unfortunately.
Breakfast is not on the porch. I would not have minded the occasional downpours, but there is a constant threat of storms and it seems pointless to drag everything out in crashing thunder.

(Yes, a different yellow shirt! Many hugs were given in recognition of this!)
After breakfast? I never do move out to the porch. The outdoor world feels too wet. Warm, yes, but very uninviting. (Here it is, looking out, briefly, from the porch.)

In between rain showers, I try to straighten the tall yellow bloomers that usually have such an easy time staying upright, but not this year!
And I do some weed pulling. One must pull weeds when the rains come down!
And in the afternoon, we go to the farmers market. The rains pause then and we stock up on corn, cheese and say no thank you to the zucchini. The market has a new vendor today -- a man who appears to keep beehives in locations close to us. One of them comes from a paradise of a garden just a mile or so east of us. I am a complete fan of local honeys and so I add this gentle pale one (bottom right) to our shopping basket.

In the evening I make a tomato-potato stew which sounds so terribly indifferent, but in fact, it is so fine on a damp day and especially if you have an abundance of tomatoes, potatoes, garlic and onion -- all growing in copious amounts at the farmette.
I'll leave you with a pair of flowers that did not give in to the rains today. Yes, you guessed it -- the ever brazen and gutsy daylilies.