I did none of that today. For the better part of the day, I stayed in the farmhouse glued to my computer.
Before you tell me what a mistake this was, hear me out:
First of all, I did go out early. To feed the cats. All of them were enjoying the lovely, cool morning. And this is when I was able to count them: six kittens. Stop Sign had six, not five, not four like we had previously thought! They were all there, snuggled together on Ed's old sleeping bag. Oh my...
The morning itself was rather buggy, telling me that our mosquito-free days are over. Until we resume our garlic oil and rosemary essence mistings, working in weedy areas is going to be no fun.
But, breakfast on the porch? Heaven.
(View from porch)

(one of the first colorful daylilies)

(Pepper follows us as we check out the progress of the tomatoes...)

(Views of the Big Bed...)

I wanted to devote my morning to working on my trip photo book for the kids. I'd been at it for two days now and I thought I'd give it a big push forward before noon. Typically, I would pick up Snowdrop from school and have an afternoon of play with her, but I find out that she is still a tad under the weather and so she will be staying home today. That means I can devote a whole day to the book project.
And I finish it! Nearly 100 pages of photos and captions. Phew!
And so this is my day: writing, editing, and eventually uploading and printing. Well, I don't do it myself, I work with Blurb.
Tomorrow I may resume life as you and I know it. Today -- I was lost to the world.
(The two big cats, lounging in the evening...)