I am cocooned. Lost to the world. Distracted. Preoccupied. Drifting in a fairyland, half real, half speculative. This is my morning.
It struck me that I simply haven't outgrown my love for exploration and especially of exploring the possibilities of exploration! Ever since I was a young adult, I'd imagine adventures. I'd lose myself in the spin of ideas on how it would feel to wake up, say, in this place. Good? Oh, well then. How would that work? Could I even get there?
This kind of fantasy isn't that much different from the imaginative things floating around in the head of a young grandchild. Indeed, sometimes I will ask Snowdrop, in a moment of deep silence -- what are you thinking? And she'd tell me her own imagined story in her head. She'd be playing out some twisty tale, fantastical to be sure, but grounded in the reality of her emotions. Isn't my frequent plunge into my own imagined world of exploration the same? Aren't I merely continuing the same pattern of floating far into a world that is different than the one I inhabit? Snowdrop puts herself to sleep by placing herself in concocted stories. And I do this too! And sometimes it carries over into the day where I play around with new flashes of inspiration, and all kinds of what ifs, until something hits me as very real, very possible, and then I slowly formulate an idea for a trip.
All this after breakfast, which today is with Ed. Croissants from Madison Sourdough! I drove down to get them, because Sparrow loves the cookies from there and today is a Sparrow day.

And then Ed retreats to his work and I lose myself in my world of ideas.
Very quickly the afternoon rolls in and I head out to pick up the kids. Playful today.

But don't let that mislead you. As always, it's a bookish afternoon! With time out for finishing up Valentines Day cards for class distribution tomorrow.
Valentine's Day... Hmmm... Do you celebrate it? You should! Privately if that is your style. Or shout it from the rooftops. Because, well, as I told the kids today -- I can't think of anything that's more important than love, in all the shapes and sizes and forms that it presents itself to us.