Sunday, May 21, 2023


I'm thinking the bears got it all wrong: napping in winter? Bad plan. Moving around in subzero temps energizes you. Keeps you warm. Come summertime, you want that nap, if only to get you away from the hot sun. This, at least, is my explanation for the utter lethargy that took hold of us today. Yes, we worked -- Ed even more than me. We had an invasion of Dame's Rocket -- the foe to all fauna in Wisconsin -- in the rather established meadow of the new orchard. Ed pulled them all out, one by one.

Too, I (mostly) finished seeding the new meadow by the peach orchard. That required sprinkling some top soil (Ed) and watering the whole expanse (Nina). And we cleaned up the front of the house a bit (leading Ed, of all people to conclude that we need some shade plantings out there because right now, if you look at our house from the road, all you see is a strip of weeds by it). So we weren't idle.

But in the afternoon, despite the brilliant sunshine, the perfect temperatures, the lovely perfumed air outside, Ed took to one couch, I took to the other and we both slept.

I should note that the morning in general was about as normal as you could have it. I fed animals and we ate breakfast on the porch. Lazily!.

And in the late afternoon, I mustered my sagging energies and fixed dinner for the young family. 

This, too,  is a porch affair.

I suppose that sounds like a full day, but honestly, compared to winter months where I would keep going from sunrise til late in the night, without pause, without naps, today felt rather... gentle. 

(another Clematis opens up)

with love...