It's not hard to put your heart and soul into cleaning the farmhouse on cold winter days and so I go at it with full force and only after I'm done do we sit down to breakfast.
(I'm posting a full view of our front room breakfast nook because several commenters noted that the table cloth reminded them of Czech ones their grandparents owned. Fact is, this particular table cloth was gifted to my mother in Poland, but it could very well be Czech and more importantly, it is old -- at least 55 years old and so yes, we may all be united not only by an interest in sharing life's small pleasures on a blog, but also by a common tablecloth.)

The temperatures keep falling, all afternoon. The cheepers did not even enjoy a scratching session in the barn. They remained mostly huddled in places close to the straw bales. They hate a cold wind almost as much as they hate the snow.

We have two extremely cold nights before us -- tonight and then again Wednesday night -- and if we get through them without a problem, then I will stop worrying about the chickens. It wont get worse than this week. (Will it?)

Despite the drop in temps, Ed and I go out for a walk. I can't say it is entirely pleasurable, but we get some satisfaction knowing that we haven't yet grown soft. We live in Wisconsin and winters are what they are. You have to embrace the snow and wind!

Find the soft spots, the prettiness!

It's there.

In the evening, my older girl and her husband come for supper and it is, at least for me, a rather memorable evening because I am fairly sure it's the last time they'll be eating here at the farmhouse just the two of them.

Their daughter is due to make a grand entrance on Friday, but I'm betting on Wednesday because the girls in this family have a penchant for arriving on the very coldest of cold days and Wednesday promises to be that.
It will surely be an interesting week for all of us!