Yes, it was misty cold and damp on my morning walk to the barn. Nothing new there.

But just a few minutes later, I had a peak at what life will be like once the cloud cover lifts and moves on and our usual brisk winter weather returns. Here, take a look out my car window as I drive to Madison Sourdough because I have an inexplicable yearning for a cinnamon roll for breakfast. Note that the cupola of the Capitol is completely lost in a foggy cloud. (And by the way, that strip of blue sky was visible today for all of.... a handful of minutes.)

It was so lovely to see that play of mist and faint sun that I almost parked the car and got out to admire it up close, by the shores of Lake Monona. But in the end I drove on. Like I said, the yearning for that breakfast roll was so strong...


I did think that even with the return of the gray skies, we could challenge ourselves today and go out for a bike ride. Yes, I know it's January. Yes, I know it's just a smidge above freezing. That the roads have slush at the sides and sudden patches of melted ice. Nonetheless, I love the challenge it presents! Just interesting enough to lift us out of our winter lethargy.

I dress for the occasion. Ed, in shorts, asks -- are you going biking or skiing? You mean there's a difference?
In the end, it's a fabulous (if at times challenging and cold) ride.

As we pause by Lake Waubesa, I watch two brave souls go out to ice fish. There are warnings in the press about the lakes right now. People are nuts! -- I say to Ed, as we push our bikes through a slushy bit of driveway. Um, yes they/we are.

And the rest of the day? Much of it is spent reviewing my daylily situation. The chickens have substantially messed up the bed by the driveway and I need to do some replacement planting there. (And I swear, I'll butcher the whole lot of them if they go after any new planting!) (Just kidding.) Too, I check in with my best lily supplier (Oakes Daylilies) to see what's new this year. And I order some prairie plants. So yes, one foot in the garden already. Delivery scheduled for late April. That's three months from now! Can you believe it? I'll be up to my knees in mud, shovel in hand, in just three months.
In the meantime, I make soup for supper. Hot and nourishing. With collards and cannellini beans. Sprinkled with parmesan. A winter favorite. Because, well, it is still winter.