Well, I don't think Snowdrop meets the definition of a millennial, but surely she is the child of two such parents (is a millennial someone who reaches adulthood at the beginning of this millennium?) and sure enough, as I reach in the cupboard for something to give the little girl for her breakfast, I see there is a berry-banana-quinoa concoction there. I had to smile, having myself never tasted quinoa until I was about 60.

quinoa and berries, ey?
My own breakfast was with a sleepy Ed. Honestly, I did not think he was going to make it to the table, but he did, the good soul that he is...

And then off I went to Snowdrop's home.
After her breakfast, a few minutes of play in p.j.'s. There is a holiday theme here!

Okay, Snowdrop, let's get you dressed and pressed! (I have to say, Snowdrop sometimes reminds me of my own grandma: I hear that lip smacking in the little girl that I heard so often from my own "babcia!" Is it genetic??)

And here's the little girl exhibiting a skill that will come in handy once she learns about cookie jars...

Snowdrop had been just a touch under the weather for a bit and so not surprisingly, she is tired after all that play. Penguin to the rescue!

In the afternoon, she has spurts of energy...

Clap clap clap!

But she likes it best when I dance with her. Meaning, I dance and jump her up and down. Again and again and again. It's a tough request, but she is so happy, that I call forth all my energy.

There is a package delivery. She is so curious! I explain to her that those may be Christmas surprises. Oh, by the way, while we have her in the unusual pose from the back, let me comment on her weirdly amazing hair:

It's as if she was coiffed to the nines... In fact, it's just the way her hair falls.

Alright -- one last one, where the little girls asks Goldie, the rather staid cat, if she can please maybe please pet her. Goldie doesn't protest. Snowdrop utters her squeals of joy.

The photos end here, but the story of Snowdrop isn't always captured in the photos. In fact, she took her first solo steps today. Her parents were thrilled. I was thrilled. She was thrilled. The cats were indifferent.