What total perfection! Sunshine, a mild and gentle morning, a warm afternoon. This on Easter is so rare in Wisconsin, but this year, at least in terms of weather, we are hitting gold!
My Easter postcard for you, if you celebrate this holiday (and even if you don't!):

I'm up early. I have an errand to do: bakery treats from Batch are waiting for me at their curb. Driving downtown, I notice how utterly still the lake is...

I've picked up some stuff for the young family and so I head out there first. They're just getting up... Happy Easter, happy kids!

By the time I return home, Ed is up and on the big mower, trying to make a dent in clearing the land for a forest planting. Somehow I could have predicted that he would do at least some of the big job himself. I call him in for breakfast. Wait, that's wrong -- not in for breakfast, but out for breakfast. Our first meal on the porch! Always important and memorable and utterly wonderful.

Unfortunately it cannot be a put-your-feet-up kind of day. Weeds. Always the weeds. I really need to get the new plants in soon or I'll be forever weeding the waiting beds.
Here's a welcome pause!

Happy Easter, little Chicago girl...

Happy Easter to all of you!
And now it's time for dinner. The local young family comes over and yes, it's an outdoor evening!

How can this be? April 4th, out on the porch? For every stumble in life there is a good surprise nestled somewhere in there. This weather surely is one of the best gifts. April delivered. And then some.
Let me end with something sweet: two little cakes. One -- raspberry, the other -- chocolate. I did not bake them, but I do think they add a holiday touch to the post. So -- happy Easter to you if you're celebrating. And may spring bring us closer to all that we are missing right now.