But not first thing. We start the day with farmette chores, followed by breakfast...
(With all that rain, I do not have to water any pots)

We are still cleaning up after the morning meal when the kids arrive.
Our outdoor time begins with puddle making. Just because: the hose is there, the water trickles out. Everyone scatters.

And now this is when cherry picking enters into the game. We concentrate on a different tree -- one with the golden variety.

The girl's enthusiastic. The boy -- hesitant.

Do you want to climb the ladder?
Do you want a cherry?
Do you want to eat it?
Silence. Cherry moves to mouth, mouth rejects cherry, gaga gets cherry back.
Still, it's thrilling to see the fruits. Cherries are your dainty lovely sweet delicacies. Lovely to the core.

A glance at the garden. Much of it is almost blooming!

Some of it is in full swing!

Inside, I suggest a butterfly art project. Snowdrop jumps to it, caterpillars, cocoons and all.

We're loosening our rigor a bit: the summer school schedule is malleable of course, but today we all but abandoned it. Snowdrop was heavily into dance...

Sparrow -- well, he has his books, his puzzles, his favorite Duplo characters who like to eat pancakes and doughnuts in the little Duplo Lego house, his flower towers...

Hmmm... two days without workbooks. That's a good sign! It tells me that Summer School is fun in its own right, no extra props required!
(Waiting for the lunch pizza to be done...)

Primrose joins us on FaceTime for lunch. It's a little out of sync, as the farmhouse kids are onto their dessert and the city girl is just digging into her sandwich, but it's great fun nonetheless to see her for these few minutes!

In the evening Ed gets ready to go biking. But as he pokes around, the clouds roll in, thunder rumbles overhead and the rains come down. Hard.
We just manage a quick walk to the young orchard (on the way, we pass the first newly planted day lily bloom)...

... we pick a few more of the golden cherries...

... and then all hell breaks loose.
Rainbow weather.

Time for a frittata! To the eggs I add asparagus, sauteed mushrooms with garlic scapes and green onions and plenty of cheese.

Such such a beautiful day. If only you didn't have to worry about the world around you! June really has been magnificent here, in south central Wisconsin. But of course, we do worry. A lot, for everyone. Even as the birds continue to sing and the flowers are more gorgeous than ever and the mushrooms and asparagus together are like the best symphony of spring flavors.