Yes, Juniper was born in the middle of December. Three years ago. How well I remember her day of arrival. Covid times meant that we (Primrose and I) did not visit her in the hospital. But, she was quickly packed up and brought home, bushy haired and big eyed. She continues to hold (and will always hold) the title of being the youngest of my grandbabes and of course I am therefore extra careful with these birthdays and celebrations because I know this is the tail end of it all. I'm not moaning about it -- the kids all grow to be interesting and wonderful human beings and I love being with them in their older years, but still, the cuddle bug herself is our last "baby" and I think we all take note of that!
I wake up to a drizzly Chicago day. My hotel (the Zachary) has a well regarded bagel and coffee shop downstairs (Steingold's). I'm not looking for a bagel, but I do love their other traditional Jewish baked goods. I go for a rugelach and a milky coffee, by the window, looking out at Wrigley Field.

And then I Uber over to Juniper's house. It's Juniper's day today, for sure.
(greeting me out on the stairwell)

It's enormously grand when a child's birthday falls on a Sunday. She can put in breakfast requests (waffles!). Lunch requests (mac and cheese!). She can have her family gather for an afternoon celebration. In our crazy busy and spread out far and wide lives, we rarely get many generations together for celebrations. Sure, the Wisconsin kids all have birthday dinners at the farmhouse, but that's because they are a short car ride away and, too, they have all come to expect it. But the Chicago bunch? Only Juniper still gets me to come up for her birthdays. And once she switches to having kid parties, I'm sure I'll do for her what I do for my daughter, and for Primrose: celebrate on the next occasion that I see her. Not necessarily on the birth day itself.
But this year, every grandparent except for chicken watching Ed is here in Chicago -- call it a two-fer. One day for the Primrose ballet, the next -- for Juniper's birthday.
And honestly, I'll miss these gatherings going forward. I almost never see the other grandparents. In the typical American way of trying to stay above water with life's demands, we, the grandparents, usually step in and take turns visiting, babysitting, celebrating holidays. Well, for once we are all here. Grandparents, an uncle and aunt, and Juniper's own sister, mom and dad.
But that's all later in the day. Before we party away the afternoon, there is some time for hanging out.
For sneak-peaking at the cake...
For lunch. For spending the day together.

Eventually, Primrose gets ready for her second Nutcracker show...
... and Juniper goes down for a nap. One parent runs errands, the other parent attends the ballet. I sit back and enjoy the moment of quiet in my daughter's home, sneaking peaks at her cookbooks, with Christmas tree lights right by my side.
And then the party begins!
Juniper, officially three.

Presents, food, singing, playing.

And importantly, cake.

I 'm ready to take a classic cake before her photo, but she's quick! Puff, the candle is blown out!

Well done, little one!

Well, at least I can get the classic family shot!

Happy birthday dear Juniper, happy birthday to you!
(yes, she wanted a "rainbow" cake; Primrose is distributing the very large, deliciously colorful slices)

(Family portrait, on my timed release)

Late in the evening, after the guests have left and the kids have been properly cajoled/bribed/urged to get to bed, I finish up with a last lingering hour (or two) with my daughter and her husband. It's immensely satisfying to review the day, the year, life gone by! A beautiful weekend comes to an end. Totally special, all of it.
I Uber back to the hotel Zachary (named after the Architect behind Wrigley Field). Tomorrow morning I'll drive back to Wisconsin. One more week of after-school kid duty before winter break sets in.
With this P.S.: I'm glad there is no snow for my travels here, but now that I'm done with road trips for a while, could we please have some of the white stuff?
with so much love...