If ever there was a day that reminded me of our senior status, this one would qualify!
On most days, our age hardly makes a dent in our day's agenda. Oh, we aren't as speedy in our movements and there are plenty of bodily reminders of a more advanced age, but neither Ed nor I dwell on this aspect of our farmette life. It just isn't a topic of discussion or contemplation. There are finer things with which to fill your head.
But today is different.
First, there was the matter of the cat. Dance, our feral outdoor cat who likes to come in for loooong visits, refused to go back outside when Ed called it a day and came upstairs to bed. He claims he tried bribing, pushing, tricking and begging. It did not work. And so she was in for the night and of course, I was just waiting for her to chase our feet under the quilt (her favorite activity upstairs). This cannot be a new normal. I'm too old to change my sleeping habits! (There are the concerning practicalities as well. We do not have a litter box. She needs to be outside!)
I finally chased her down and out at dawn. But by then, it was time for me to get moving.
Gloriously sunny day! Oh, it's still cold, but we are only thirty degrees (F) below the freezing mark at wake up, and by afternoon, I know we'll be in the teens again (so around -8 or -9C). That's splendid!

I shovel the inch or two of new snow, I feed the animals, I check the car battery. All good. We have an early breakfast. Yeah, Dance is back inside again.

Now to the notable part of the day.
Late on Sunday we were able to schedule our second COVID vaccination. It was not easy. The system crashed, the time slots filled instantly and the supply arrived a day late. Still, we were delighted to get an early morning time slot for today. The appointment is in Cottage Grove (some twenty minutes east of us), same pharmacy, same loose protocols, but this time we are well equipped. Fine particle masks, covered by cloth ones (hey, Fauci double masks!). Gloved hand. Necessary papers in a separate plastic bag. And we're off!
In fact, it is both smoother and faster than three weeks ago. We were in and out in ten minutes, with a "congratulations" from the chatty vaccinating person.
I know you should not feel guilty for getting vaccinated. Indeed, seniors especially need to get these shots as quickly as possible. And we are seniors by any measure. Still, people talk about the joy that comes with that second shot and I can't say that either Ed or I will feel joy until everyone gets a turn. And I mean everyone, down to my youngest grandchild.
For us, there will be only three changes in the way we behave. I'll still wash groceries, wear double masks, avoid everyone outside, avoid going anywhere inside, same old stay at home do nothing. But, I will reconnect with the young families again. They're both isolated and at home, save for their children who are in school/daycare/with a sitter. My second change -- I need to resume the medical appointments I let go of back in March. For example, I haven't had my eyes checked in years. I can't see anything with any clarity anymore! Thirdly -- Ed may do some sailing later in spring.
None of this will happen just yet. You have to wait a while for stuff to kick in.
In the meantime, I'm on the lookout for the much discussed and anticipated side effects of the second shot. I ask Ed if he is tired. He is not. Neither am I. Shouldn't I be? Feeling sick yet? Nope. Me neither. Darn!
By late afternoon, I decide we cannot pass up a chance to at least walk in this beautiful sunshine. It's a bit windy so we still have to bundle up, but we do a grand long hike up to the forest in back of the new development and the new school. Ed had hoped we could hike into the forest, but the snow is just too deep.

The best part? Walking home, with our faces to the sun! (Through the new development, where construction crews are hammering away, polar vortex notwithstanding!)

It's still cold enough for a supper of wintry soup -- red lentils, cooked up with onions and carrots and spiced with ginger, cumin, coriander, turmeric and cayenne pepper.
And because we are old, after dinner, we huddle under a quilt on the couch. We share a chocolate from our Valentine box and of course, popcorn.
We are done with shots for now, but we are in spirit with all of you who are still waiting. We applaud all the speedy deliveries, the opening of new vaccination sites, the releasing of more groups to get their appointments. We will be super happy when everyone gets vaccinated. In the meantime, we wait.
With love.