It was, I hope, the last of the severely cold days. And though I have meetings and hearings tomorrow, today was the final teaching day for the week. And I ordered a large supply of coffee for the months ahead, so that should help. Things surely will look better.
In the early evening, I hurried first to a lumber mill, then to a plumber, making those quick choices one makes when the only thing that matters is to get the job of buying over and done with. Ed asks – don’t you want to consider... and I snap back – no I do not. I use choice words to make my point.
In the meantime, more than ever since I have known him, Ed is working long hours as well. Designing something for Tormach, that, and in his spare time, tearing down the chimney at the farmhouse.
Another task to put on the "to do" list.
But, I know where the lavender plant will stand. On a window sill that looks out toward the south west. With the view onto the road and the good sunsets. The farm sure does get the good sunsets.