On the upside -- oh that winter sunshine! It makes Arctic air feel (almost) pleasant!

It's been a while since Ed and I have had a breakfast together, just the two of us. I mean, silly on the one hand, but still, it is so calm and cool to start the day this way again...

I work inside this morning. A free handful of hours allowed me to catch up. Bookkeeping, holiday planning, more bookkeeping after all that holiday planning -- so much to do!
And then there was the ever clever little girl -- coming to the farmhouse for her after-school time here. (She is so happy to see a new book on the table next to the couch.)

Her stories today float around the holidays. Santa Clause figures heavily in them, which is quite funny since Mr. Claus has been only marginally noted in her family's holiday lexicon. She is determined to meet him on Christmas Eve night. While her parents are sleeping.

She jumps into her other favorite games too. Office, for example. I'm being told to not come in. She is working.

And then it's time for me to take her home. Run, Snowdrop! It's so cold!

I dont have good music for her in the car, but we make up for it by having good conversation.
Gaga -- she asks -- is this car a manual transmission?
I nearly stop solid on the freeway. Say what?
Is it manual transmission?
Well yes, it is... you see, I learned to drive in Poland, where all cars have manual transmission. You know what that means? I have to use my hand to adjust the motor when I go fast or when I slow down. I mean, how else do you talk about manual transmission to a three year old. But she is one step ahead: like when you switch to third gear, right?
Oh my....
Snowdrop's mom and I try to set aside an hour each week to talk, without child, without distraction. The place we go to is celebrating its one year anniversary: free champagne! It's here that we give ourselves the time to meander and think. To consider all that is before us.

It's an hour that is always very well spent.
Tomorrow, they say we will cross back to the above freezing range. Suddenly, 40F (4.5C) will seem very very warm again!