But, there's little to complain about now. Everything is growing! True, the sun room offers a space for breakfast that's hasn't those gorgeous streaks of sunlight, but it's bright enough!

Outside, the willow is budding heavily and the grass is no longer that winter shade of brown.

And Snowdrop? She is so excited to be heading out after school on a neighborhood flower hunt!

We find some! (Siberian squill!)

Snowdrop is wearing a jacket that reflects her family's affection for the Dodgers baseball team. When I note it (upon picking her up), she tells me --"I'm a dodgers fan..." We all chuckle and perhaps for this reason she feels compelled to explain: "My daddy's a dodgers fan!"
(At the farmette, she examines our work on the strawberry plants...)

Inside: the croissant moment...

Then the dance -- polka, followed by highland jigs. Ed is exposing her to a wide range of folk tunes!

Finally, there is her rediscovery of the guitar.

She wants to be left alone with it, but of course, I can't do that. Not now, not in this fragile fashion.

No matter. She is smiling. I am smiling.

And the rain comes down and you know, this makes the girl even more happy! We step outside and she is instantly wet and drippy - and delighting in it all.
An April love song. Look for it this month. It's there.