Ed and I went out for a drive today. Oh, there was a goal (Farm and Fleet, plus the chocolate store: we needed to resupply at both!), but it was also rather enjoyable in its own right. We rolled down the windows and let the warm air travel through the car. And Ed commented -- the trees are actually changing color, even in this near 90F (32C) weather.
You don't notice the Fall colors much here at the farmette. Not yet. The greens are morphing into gold, but not very quickly and not very perceptibly. And running around in shorts and short sleeves (even me!) gives you the sense that summer is still with us. What, fall? Oh, sure, soon. You say it's already October?? That cannot be!

Right now, Ed is definitely the busy guy. I'm doing my usual Autumnal slowdown. This morning, after breakfast...

... he watered most of the newly planted trees out back and then set to work to finish the repair of the rotted boards in the corner of the farmhouse. And I reminded him that it was his job to clean the stovetop and that it has looking nasty. So he did that as well.
Me, I'm sort of keeping an eye on things outside, and tending the spaces inside, but I am in no hurry to get things done. Besides, in the afternoon, I've got Snowdrop!
(lavender rebloom...)
I can tell it's Friday. She is extra tired, extra hungry, extra reluctant to spend any time outside.

But happy too. School has been good for both her and Sparrow.

And me, I'm just grateful that a month went by and there were no school closures and no Covid scares. All the tools available to us against the pandemic were, when used together, effective. How good is that!