Early morning
Ed mumbles through sleep -- the cheepers! Yes, we're curious how young Oprie and Apple made it through the night. I'm up at dawn. I look inside the coop. There is a mass of huddled feather in the lower section of the coop. The two big girls come strutting out. But shortly after, the mass of huddled feather unhuddles and the two little girls follow.
Phew! So far so good.
Flowers get just a glance from me today. Doin' fine, in an early autumn sort of way.
Breakfast on the porch. My two house guests -- my younger girl and her husband -- join us outside.
And then we're off.
Snowdrop's baptism
We take up two rows at the Grace Episcopal Church -- the church to which my daughter and her husband belong. [Snowdrop has all her Midwest family present, plus the godparents, who hail from California (the godfather) and Texas (the godmother).] She seems excited to be here!
And she is sweetly quiet during the service. She has to wonder why all these familiar faces from her life are suddenly present here...
The Baptism itself is conducted by the very delightful priest who also attended my older girl's wedding and was there in the hospital the day this child was born. Here he is, being very modern by reading from his tablet during the ceremony.
Snowdrop really wanted that candle. Not this time, little one...
Her aunt and uncle and Sophie the giraffe keep her happy for the rest of the service.
Here they are, posing with her in her full Etsy regalia.
And here is her aunt from Chicago (who happens to be my Russia gossip pal this weekend, as her professional work centers on art from that country).
The Brunch after
Snowdrop's parents host an elaborately delicious brunch at their home. Ed, who is always quite willing to sit out traditional ceremonies, is coopeted into letting in the brunch caterers while we are at the baptism. Here he is, happy to see the little girl arrive. She's equally tickled.
My older girl frets that everything should be perfect. She needn't worry. It is.
Let's do a close up of the godparents. Snowdrop is tired as can be, but she's hanging in there!
The godmother is also the mother of a girl just two months younger than Snowdrop. If you think Snowdrop has had a full day, credit this other young family for having had so much more to navigate and contend with on this weekend. Their daughter is a saint indeed, even if in the next photo, she thinks that perhaps Snowdrop's friendly overtures (Snowdrop loves babies!) are the proverbial last straw in a whole series of complicated travel moments. Utterly heroic to have traveled this far and put up with all the difficulties of a chaotic weekend!
Here you see the godfather (to the right) with his partner. They're being helpful: champagne is poured, distributed, held up to honor Snowdrop.
Toward the end, the sweet wee one gets a tad sleepy as the hours pass and nap is not happening, but still, she never once complains for all that is thrown her way today.
Just a couple more...
Of Snowdrop with her awesome parents...
...and finally she gets her lunch...
And a hug from her proud mom...
(I get a hug too!)
Post Scriptum
I do think the world of my girls, their families -- immediate, extended. But I also know that I am no different than all those grandparents strolling with their grandkids through the Summer Garden in St. Petersburg or the Luxembourg Gardens in Paris. I am like the ones who write reviews of playyards and toys on Amazon (I bought this for my grandson and he loves it!). The ones who fill in when their own children need to go to work. The ones who live close or sometimes, unfortunately, too far and so they wait for the cherished photo sent via email, or posted online. We're really all just adoring grandparents, seeing in our youngest part two, part three, part four of the enduring story of life.
At the farmette, the newest cheepers are still a bit intimidated by the big girls who strut with greater confidence these days...
Never mind. They find a quiet spot in the barn and do a thorough dirt bath together.
Ed and I spend a quiet evening eating leftovers.
There are plenty of leftovers. Bits of food, strands of thought. All delicious!