And what does the day after Thanksgiving look like? The clean up continues. Pots, pans, dishes are stacked in the cupboards. Recipes are returned to the Thanksgiving folder and the whole pack is shoved back on the shelf. Thoughts of turkey remain, but they're without ambition (leftovers? we can always do sandwiches) and with some relief (phew! I don't need to roast a turkey for a whole year!) and a bit of pity (the poor French... their turkey roasting is still before them, since the French these days often go with turkey for their Christmas meal). Oh, I do like turkey preparation, but it takes so long to get the bird ready and it requires a meticulous coordination to have it be done just as everything else is set to go! Ah well. Thanksgiving traditions are about cooking. Perfecting that turkey is a lifelong project. I surely must have roasted some forty or more birds in my life. One more behind me! And now I face Christmas.
Only not today. After my morning walk...

And breakfast... Lackadaisical...

And tidying, Ed and I take a better walk -- one in our local park. The sun is out and we are at the edge of a two day warmup. A few deep breaths on this very pretty day!

Oh, but that felt good. Can face the world again. The clothes dryer that stopped working, the credit card company that wont release my $34.11 in rewards because they can't resolve the fraud claim that has been without movement for four weeks, the knocked up vacuum cleaner, the stove top in need of a scrub. All silly nothings.
And of course, there is no dinner to cook. Sure, I tossed a salad. Otherwise, today's plates are the same as yesterday's plates. Same colors, same tastes. The beauty of Thanksgiving is that it has this spillover effect. In many ways, it just stays with you for a long, long time.