I notice, too, the pretty things. The light, even dappled or diffused, is always at its freshest now. Nothing looks forlorn or parched. The garden, like the people and animals that live within its boundaries, wakes up slowly, with a smile on its face.

It's a bit cool initially and so Ed and I eat breakfast in the sun room...

House cleaning is rushed. Hey, I was supposed to be away! The farmhouse should be happy I'm attending to any of it at all!
And as soon as we know that greenhouses are open for business, we set out to Jung's, where you can usually pick up decent looking young fruit trees. We lost one such tree this winter and we're looking to replace it.
What should we get?
How about another cherry?
The birds will eat our cherries. We have plenty of apples and pear... How about a plum?
So we have our hearts set on a plum, not remembering that if you get one plum, you must get a mate to pollinate, otherwise, kiss your visions of juicy plums good bye.
And as long as we're going to be planting trees in the new orchard, we may as well prune the fruit trees already there.
This is the moment when Ed's friends arrive for a spontaneous visit. We're the kind of hosts that do not stop work for social reasons. Indeed, when they offer help, we take it!

And so this day is really a continuation of yesterday. The flowers are slowly going in, I spend not a small number of minutes shouting at the cheepers to quit scratching and digging up my fileds, and the sun comes and goes, and the hours pass far far too quickly.

But I have no complaints. And toward evening, the young family arrives...

And Snowdrop is excited! Will one of you read to me? Will you, will you??

Not now, Snowdrop...
We eat...

She eats...

And now the weekend is behind us. We're wrapping up April oh so quickly! When you live in Wisconsin, spring appears to move forward with the speed of lightning, reminding me always of the Paul Simon song. I'll end tonight with its bouncy lyrics:
Slow down, you move too fast
You got to make the morning last ...
Hello, lamppost, what’cha knowin’?
I’ve come to watch your flowers growin’
Ain’t’cha got no rhymes for me?
Doot-in doo-doo, feelin’ groovy
I got no deeds to do
No promises to keep
I’m dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep
Let the morning time drop all its petals on me
Life, I love you
All is groovy!