Saturday, November 08, 2008

shutting down for the year

Last day of the Westside Community Market. For this year anyway. Sigh…

The snow showers continued, the wind picked up, and everything outdoors seemed rather fragile.

Rushing past one stall, then another, I noted the concentration of root vegetables and the absence of such things as flowers and fruits and things that spoke of summer. Sigh…

So, a good soul would go up to each farmer, hand over a gift and say thank you. Because there were such tough days -- of bugs and heat and lately, of cold snow showers.

I didn’t do that. I stuffed onions and beets and celeriac into the basket and hurried home.

But here’s a quick wave to you. Hats off for a job well done. That is, my hat off to you. You keep your wool caps on. Until spring. See you then.

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You rock. All of you.