This morning, while Ed was sleeping, I fed the animals, took care of the shed plants, shoveled the looooong driveway, cleaned the bathroom, fixed breakfast, and cut my hair.
Is it that Ed slept for a very long time, or was I especially efficient? Running at full speed ahead? Perhaps even enjoying a little bit the challenges of this day?
It is, in fact, a pretty morning. We have several added inches of snow to freshen things up a bit. (Underneath it, the ice is thick, so we're in that uncomfortable moment where you are going to slip and slide no matter how much you shovel.) My morning walk, despite the gray clouds, is exceptionally pleasant!
(It's when you begin to photograph your landscape that you notice that your trees rarely grow straight up!)

We are just several degrees below freezing and the cats see that as an invitation to frolic. And I do too. Shoveling is just a little bit fun! (I do not know why Dance goes out of her way to pose next to the cat sign!)

And the hair cut? Well, I got tired of watching videos. Ed asks me later how many I'd seen and the answer is perhaps as many as two dozen, with none of them being especially good, but each one offering another clue as to how to proceed. So I carried the one mirror that we have to the living room and set up shop.


Ed woke up, took one look and gave me a thumbs up. (I had him inspect the back and he took a couple of snips, but said that it all looked fine. Now, his idea of "fine" is not necessarily my idea of fine, hence my decision to go with DIY rather than have him do the cut, but still, I am satisfied.)
Will I now always cut my own hair -- he asks. I have no answer for it, in the same way that I do not know if I'll stick with grocery deliveries (rather than in person shopping), or driving to see the Chicago young family (rather than taking the bus) after the pandemic. I can't think that far ahead. For 317 days I have taken one day at a time!
Breakfast. This morning, Dance joins us.

The afternoon is a little unusual in that I am not cooking for the young family. We moved Sunday dinner to Monday as they have family members passing through their place tonight. So I'll pretend tomorrow is Sunday and in the meantime I use this day to catch up on writing and, of course, to ski with Ed. I think there must be some football event this afternoon because there is absolutely no one on the trails in the park.

A winter without snow is always such a punishment! This year we have plenty of things to gripe about, but at least we've had a terrific snow cover. We are soooo grateful for it!