My little girl arrived with her husband at the farmette somewhere in the middle of the night. Realizing they were there, in the other little room upstairs -- made me smile. Yeah, this weekend is going to be special
Finally, daylight!
Food preparation. Now, let's get going! The baby shower for my older girl starts at 1. We've got two dozen people to feed. So much to do still!
Wait, a pause for breakfast. Never proceed without breakfast.

Now, onwards!
I have the help of the shower co-sponsor. Thank God. I need it.

Okay. Quiches, cakes come in from the bakeries. Salads almost finished.

Tables set.

And on this brilliant (but cold!), sunny day, the shower begins.

We eat. Oh, do we eat!

There's a game, and there are baby gifts. And this is when the life of the baby becomes very real. We all sit back and imagine her -- swaddled, playing, crying, sucking, laughing, listening to a story.

The hours fly.
The party ends.
My girls' husbands come and my girls review the events, admire once more the gifts of gold. Because the little books, onesies, towels, carriers, pillows are gifts of gold -- to help these new parents move their kid from total infant to a crawling walking taking tyke. Or in this case -- tykette.

Ed and Issie boy come back. The rooster, kept behind the fence all afternoon, is set free.

Evening. We eat take out Thai, we watch movies. The house is so warm! Positively fired up and glowing. The old farmhouse that has seen too many stories, saw one more today. And it was a good one.

...the little one

...with the bigger one, who in turn has a little one