A working breakfast. We discuss how it is that people engage in risky ventures.

The coming of fall at the farmette...

I pick up Snowdrop at school -- I ask her if she wants to go to the coffee shop. No , she says. This way! She points to the playground behind it. I smile.
She tries the last of the big slides. The one that twists and turns. Success!

I take the swing photo because it is a guarantee of a smile.

We then go to the coffee shop. She is so good at drinking from a big person glass!

At home, she plays with her toy cat. She feeds it blueberries. She understands that the real cats aren't ready to be her best pals. She makes do.

After her nap, she wants to be outside again. We walk over to the park just down the road.
We race each other on parallel slides.

At home again, we play ball. I don't quite know how to play football, but at this age I think I'm okay with just throwing the football and shouting "touchdown!" Snowdrop is delighted.

Because she is a well rounded child, she then switches to dress up.

Go out! Shop!
Not today, Snowdrop. Not today.

But I love your choice of shopping attire!
Evening. At home. Cooking supper. Watching the vice presidential debate.