Plentiful sunshine. Those are the words used by the weather bureau to describe this day. Even the sound of it is delicious!
It's Saturday, but it's more like Sunday because our schedules are flipped to accommodate various events. So, Sunday family dinner tonight!
But first, the usual, performed with the bounce that only this kind of weather could provide.
(There are still snow covered areas. But it's all very lovely nonetheless!)

Breakfast is ready!

Ed and I do a midday hike along a segment of the Ice Age trail, one that we don't return to often. And it's a shame, because it's pretty!

Though honestly, tell me what's *not* pretty outdoors today. Oh, I suppose the mud -- there's plenty of it at the farmette, but on the trail, we're mostly dealing with slushy snow.

And blue skies and sunshine.

The young family comes at the usual predinner time, but of course, we're approaching spring and so there is still plenty of light. The kids play, the grownups relax, we munch on roasted beets and cheese and crackers.With wine for those who can and sparkling cider for those who cannot.

There are some things that you never want to change...