We are at fifteen degrees above a February 12th average. Okay, that is not to be celebrated. The irrefutable trend is worrisome. So I am going to pass on lauding the warm beauty of this winter day. But the sky! Can rhapsodize about what is actually normal for south-central Wisconsin? That beautiful cornflower blue, February sky! We have it today and it absolutely warms the spirit.
(Looking out the window just before my walk to feed the animals...)

Breakfast would have been lovely. Leftover szarlotka, with fruit and a milky coffee, and with Ed, and without the cats...

... except that I was on the phone for the duration. On a long airline hold. Because I wanted to champion a consumer right! The airlines have this habit of posting misleading pricing information when you book online and I was going to right this grave injustice. I was tired of their marketing buffoonery!
I got nowhere, the grave injustice prevails, and I wasted two hours on speaking to powerless representatives. I'm sure the sales and marketing department does not accept feisty consumer calls.
In midmorning, I left to get my hair cut -- another indoor activity! Well who knew today would be so pretty?! But Ed was there waiting when I got back (trained to notice my hair changes, he shouted out "it looks great" before I even entered the room). He proposed a bike ride.
The one thing you dont want to do after a haircut is to strap a helmet on top of your hair and flatten all that nifty work of the stylist, but still, that sunshine and a coaxing from Ed are a powerful force to reckon with so we did go and it was simply sublime.

Snowdrop is here on Monday's after school.
It's "wear a hat to school" for the kids today! (School spirit week always happens this month, to get the kids excited about life, despite the cold, the 100 days left in the academic year, despite it being February, darn it!)
(by the time she reaches the farmhouse, all hats are off!)

She and I started in on a new book today and I'm trying to give it a good run, even though my heart still belongs to the previous set. Nonetheless, Snowdrop tends to see the good in her world, so we're sticking with it.
(How positive is her outlook on the everyday? Here's an example -- we pass the expo center every evening on the way to the drop-off point. There's always a billboard announcing the next few expos. Today she tells me -- look! this weekend it's the fishing show! We should go! I glance at her smiling face. Really? I ask. Do any of us fish? No, but it sounds exciting!
Evening. I didn't grocery shop and we're out of almost everything. This calls for making a very pared down veggie soup with very few veggies in it. It's that or eggs!
Tomorrow, I'll get it together. Today -- well, I'm still catching up!
with love...