It is, however, late now. Very late.
Still, such a beautiful day! Let me at least post some photos. They'll help me remember. As if I wouldn't otherwise!
Photos. In three chapters.
1. Farmhouse Morning
Primrose is up! I come in from cat feeding, we sit down to a prebreakfast breakfast. The day is off to such a good start!

The two young families are here for brunch. Three young cousins, together.

So much to smile about, but nothing makes me happier than this: serving a good meal to all these people... listening to them around the table... Getting up to add this or the other thing to the meal...
This is the proper moment to tell everyone that October 20 is special for us: Ed and I plunged into what it is that we have now 14 years ago on this day. Later, I found out that it's also his birthday. Not that he takes note of the date. But I do and in the end, in a shy way, so does he.

Happy Birthday, happy anniversary, and yes, I'll put away the camera in a minute.

Kids get up, kids find comfy laps. Grown ups like to linger. Little ones think lingering is for the birds.

I suggest drawing. Each child is engaged in this activity in a different way. Sparrow is content to use crayons, Primrose wants to move on to markers, and Snowdrop is lost in a creation of her own...

Outside, the sun comes out. Isn't this a fine day to go out for a farmette walk??


The two families that make my heart sing...

Snowdrop suggests -- lets sit in the shade of this tree. We do.

I love this next photo from our farmette explorations. Taken in by the beauty of the moment, we linger. For a long while.

2. Do you want to go for a walk?
The young families scoot off. Ed asks if I want to go to the county park. We've taken hundreds of walks together. It's our specialty! Selfie at the farmette first.

So much gold, just around a couple of corners from us.

Forest walk: we haven't really savored the autumnal forest this year!

Sandhills. Two. In love.

3. Happy day to you...
In the evening, we have a reduced crowd for dinner.

When I mention Ed's birthday once more, Snowdrop asks to be excused, rushes to the drawing table, and produces a card. Which has to be wrapped of course.
You are good at fixing things, so I drew lots of hammers. And a chocolate cake!

She draws a second card. For the anniversary, even as it's hard to explain to a child what exactly happened fourteen years ago.
Or is it?
Ed would not have liked a celebration planned by me, or anyone else. Except if it's orchestrated by one of the kids. It's okay then... More than okay.

Good night! With love...