No need to ask about the weather, right? It is what it is.

Feeling fitful and rested, I start in on breakfast.

Except that I did not want to wake Ed. And then boom! The phone rang for him and he was off on one of his technical calls that lasted hours. Not wanting to interrupt, I ate alone. A good thing, as he didn't get around to his granola until in the afternoon.
The nice man from my bike shop came. (He is from the place I had purchased Alpine Blue -- the bike, not the car, which I confused the other day; I believe my car is named Blue Moon. Alpine Blue is the e-bike.) Like the car, this pretty little thing needs periodic tune ups. Too, I had whacked the wheel out of its trueness when I swerved the other day and so it needs additional fixes. Too, they'll clean it up. After the weekend ride over wintry terrain, it is one big muddy mess.
I work on my computer as Ed works on his machine design and before you know it, it's time to pick up the girl.

Happy child. I dont ask this of my grandkids -- after all, I'm not happy all the time and neither are you. Nonetheless, Snowdrop is a smiler in life. Easily made joyful, content to do the simplest thing.

Like reading, which is our staple. Or, on occasion, bugging Ed about his computer.

After she leaves, I return to my work, Ed returns to his machine design. We are lost to the world, to the weather (dont ask), to the demands of the day, until hunger drives us to give it up for a bit. Dinner -- reheated stuff. It's Monday, official leftover day at the farmhouse!
with love...