Not that you can't get color, though today your best bet was to look for it at the moment of sunrise.

Ed and I had a working breakfast at the farmhouse. This is unusual and not something I especially like, but we've had some paper work to get through (a funny term -- "paper work" -- as if we do anything on paper these days!) and neither of us wanted an interruption.

And then Snowdrop came (because it's Monday!) and a huge spark of color burst in through the doors of the farmhouse. Here you have the last photo of her funny ragamuffin countenance (meaning the "before" shot):

After, I sat her down in her high chair and, upon the request of her mom, gave Snowdrop her first haircut. Mind you, the girl didn't exactly sit still for it and my plans for a fancy layered trim were somewhat foiled by her vivaciousness, but still, I think we came out okay in the end!

And so a new era begins for Snowdrop: she is now a girl with a bob and bangs.

The reward for her cheeriness during the whole session? We get to go out and feed the cheepers stale bread and, too, some cookies that no one here likes.

The girl surely had a good weekend. She's all smiles today!

This next one reserved for Ed.

In the late afternoon, I take her back to her home, where she spends an exciting set of minutes playing with animal magnets on the refrigerator door.

It's hard for me to motivate myself to take her out for a walk. But I'm not a Polish grandma for nothing. Fresh air, Snowdrop!
It's so late when we do go out, that the sun has long set. Across the street, the holiday lights are in full swing. She's puzzled. She's pleased. She's puzzled.

She is amazed.
Yep: the seasons have changed on us over the weekend. Just like that.