On the one hand, you think -- it's just a moon passing in front. It gets a little shadier for a bit. Like on a very stormy day maybe? What's the big deal?
On the other hand, it's an event that happens rarely. I wont see the next one. So... shouldn't I make an effort to pay attention now?
My last 94% eclipse happened on a morning when I knew little about it and prepared not at all. March 21st, 2015. I was in Cornwall. In England. I posted rough pics of it, which in itself was insane because such an event can mess with your camera big time. And of course, your eyes, though I honestly think you have to have a clear day and stare for a while to get blinded, but why mess with fate when viewing glasses are cheap or free at your local library? I had none, so I peeked, but did not stare.
And now here I am in Chicago still, and it is a clear and sunny day and the eclipse in this city promises a 94% covering of the sun. Same as Cornwall! Except this time I'm sort of prepared. But, too, I am to babysit Primrose who has spring break from school. We'll be together Should I make a big time event of it? The Museum of Science and Industry is all ready for a public viewing. Should we drive down there? Or at least downtown? Is it worth it, from a 6 year old's point of view?
Let's roll with the events of the day and see where they land us.
First of all, I have to say good bye to Juniper, who is off to school early in the day. Here's one last pic of the two girls, together:

Sweet, good, loving kids. Both of them.
Okay. Dad is off at work, mom, too, is busy with her job obligations. It's me and the big girl.
There's lots of play. She keeps me so busy that I never even have a minute to pick up the camera. Late in the morning we pause to go out to an art supply store. Equipment for further play!
The plan is to pause at midday and pull mom out to lunch with us. At Daisy's. Mom, are you ready? Let's go!

Daisy's is the perfect place for a midday meal -- yes, good sandwiches, salads, etc, but also and perhaps more importantly from my perspective -- great baked goods! I am a fan of midday treats!

Primrose and I then return to our play station. We're building a craft project. You could say that I am a terrible crafts person -- I haven't the patience for small tabs and even smaller cuttings, nor the imagination for truly original ideas. Still, Primrose chose one where you build, with the help of glue and tabs, a mini cardboard camper. Who am I to say no to this?! We set to it, cheating occasionally by pulling out the scotch tape. And very quickly it is 1:30 and mom comes out of her work enclave and says -- let's go see the eclipse!
We are off!

And it becomes instantly clear that the best place to see this fantastic astronomical wonder is right here in the neighborhood. In fact, you need only step outside and look up...

It's all there, nearing the magic Chicagoland 94%.

(We almost don't notice the incredible luck of having blue skies above on this suddenly warm spring day!)

We go to a nearby park, one that has other neighborhood locals there as well. And a high school class from a public school. And lovers and nannies with strollers and dog walkers and grandmas too. It's a shared experience and a joyous one, because everyone is so happy to be out on this suddenly warm, brilliant day, doing this unique thing that brings such awe to us all.

I hope you had a chance to glance up at the skies today. And if you did, I hope you were outside with others, because awe is contagious. As is joy. And an appreciation for the magnificence of our universe.
I do have to leave shortly after. I want to get home before dark. As always, it's tough to leave this beloved foursome. I wiggle into their routines, I eat, play, laugh, craft cardboard trailers, and watch a moon pass in front of a sun, and then I'm out and driving home. I suppose I need this time to let go and adjust. And feel grateful that they are, when the traffic is good, a mere 2.25 hours away.
With love, so much love...