So, first, let's start with the unchangeable tasks: good morning chickens!

(coop door open!)
Sorry about the cooler days ahead. Though I dare say, you like cool. And damp. It brings out the worms.

Breakfast. Not too early, not too late.

And then I go over to my daughter's. I help her with planting and I bring over some raspberry canes and catnip too. I mean, if anyone needs raspberries or catnip, please let me know! We grow both in huge quantities!

And here's where I remember the song that I used to play for my girls when they were very very small. And as I sing it to my daughter and she finds it on her playlist, I am flooded with memories of what it was like to watch them grow up. It's rare that I have such vivid flashbacks and yet I am not surprised that this should be the case. These are months of progressions and changes for them. As they move forward in their lives, I sit back and consider it all.
Afterwards, my girl takes me out for a lunch downtown. I tell her -- it's hard to dress right for garden work followed by a special lunch!
And it is rare, very rare that I have lunch in town. And during the meal, I open Mother's Day presents from both daughters and once again I am so awed by their generosity and good taste!
The rest of the downtown chores are just a tad less memorable: a visit to the Apple store to make computer adjustments (I walk away with a new phone! who knew that I could get top dollar for my old phone from them, so that on balance, I owe nearly nothing? Ed rolls his eyes: what was wrong with your old phone? well, not a whole lot, but think of the learning possibilities on the new one!). And finally, a visit to the eye doctor (so, when was it that you changed your glasses? Five years ago? Huh. Well, just to reassure you, things aren't that bad. I know he wanted to add -- for your age, but he generously refrained from it at the last minute).
Then home. Where my chicks are, as always, thrilled to see me.

(the run)

(the wait at the doorstep)
And I give them their treats and I study the list of things that need to be done in the next few days and I note the cool front passing through this week and I hum the song from this morning, because, well, it's a catchy little song. With very farmette-type lyrics. I'll end with John Denver singing it for you and a photo of our old orchard to look at, now in bloom, from top to bottom.