Thursday, February 14, 2019

Val Day continued

Such a funny little Valentine! Mischievous, impish, beguiling. The sun came, albeit fleetingly. The temps soared -- up beyond 40F (5C), melting stuff, before tonight's deep freeze will recreate a layer of ice again. Everyone talked of how close we are to spring, forgetting for a while that we aren't anywhere near March 20th.

I go out to feed the cats, with a bounce to my step. Lots of footprints tell me deer have been visiting the farmette again. Perhaps other animals as well.

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But where is Stop Sign?

The little ones are hiding again. The mother shield is missing. Their confidence is weakened.

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Fortunately, they do come out to eat. Two little ones, alone.

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Stop Sign does not show up in the course of the day. Perhaps this should not come as a surprise. In the past, she would leave her kitties in search of food. Eventually she lead them here. Is she telling them that they must now manage on their own? Or has she had an accident? Ed always says that the most dangerous "animal" for a rural cat is the human-driven vehicle.

Breakfast. Ed is being silly. Valentine silly.

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And then we go skiing. Of course we do!

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There's snow! It's warm enough! (Too warm, says Ed. Perhaps he is right -- by the end of our long run, our jackets are open.)

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Our hearts are flying! Is that a cliché? Of course it is. I'm allowed -- it's Valentine's Day!

(Ed, by his favorite tree.)

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In the afternoon, I pick up a happy Snowdrop. As we walk to the car, she shouts out -- we live in a big, huge place! It's so huge! So so huge!

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At the farmette, I suggest outdoor play. She hesitates.

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Maybe. But the lure of indoor routines is too great.

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But eventually, she is ready for snow play. But No mittens! Please, they don't feel right!

I let her suffer without mitts.

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Well, she's not exactly suffering...

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In fact, she is joyous! It is the first time we could readily build a snow person!

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Much of Valentine's Day is enjoyed (pr exploited, depending on your holiday politique)in the evening  of February 14th. What was it like here, at the farmhouse? Good news! Ed goes out to the garage and finds that Stop Sign has returned! A day's reprieve from tending to her babes? A dalliance on this love day with her sweetie? Who can tell! I'm sure her babes are so very happy to see her back again!

Ed and I sit down to dinner, served on our little table in the living room. A tiny lobster tail or two (thank you, grocery stores for understanding our need for the easy and exquisite on this day!), an ear of corn, a piece of chocolate, a glass of bubbly.

Can we be more conventional??

Never resist the tried and true if it brings you joy. Happy days ahead to you all!

With love. ❤️