We did this after a porch breakfast. (Garden roses!)

(Friendly the cat is sometimes too true to her/his name!)

I must admit to being impatient with the weather. We've been longing for an end to the cold and the rain and the morning was stubbornly cloudy.

And then, magically, the sunshine came out to greet us once again.
Time to finally have my reading/drawing visit with Snowdrop, in her yard, with social distancing. Some aspects of this are very easy, some are tough. I'm sure you can guess where the heartbreaks lie...

Still, with the sun on my back and my eyes on the little girl -- I feel like I've been handed not a small amount of gifts right now.

And then things got a little busy. I return home. Once again Ed has caged the two kitties and we hand them over to a prospective owner. We have great hopes that this time things will be better.
And now I'm even more busy. Time to prepare Sunday dinner! Once it's ready, I pack it up and I go back to the young family's home. This time, Sparrow is up and he and I get to have a socially distanced encounter.

I'm going to say that it's better than nothing. That I can make him laugh, even at a distance.

But we're coasting here. All of us. Finding ways to make it more or less good. And it is good! I mean, downright grand to have these few minutes, chasing each other in hats, happy, happy that the rains have finally passed.
And then I come back to eat with Ed.
This may seem like a slightly chaotic day, but honestly, the weather was so on our side, that we allowed ourselves more than one moment of contentment. And the grandkids are all really fine and the little kitties are in (one hopes) their new home. For us, that's about as good as it gets right now!