I was about to enumerate this and the other, but instead I said -- not a single thing that I especially liked.
In many ways, that seems harsh. I ate breakfast with Ed on the porch -- a fantastic thing, given that it's the second half of October!

And, too, I liked the consequences of many of my tasks. Eliminating a whole bookshelf load of books and putting the shelf up on craigslist (what? no calls yet?? damn! Okay, I'll go down to $20...) -- satisfying. Cleaning the shower curtain of rust, tending to the orchids...
Ed, we need to bring in the orchids. I see that it will be in the upper 30sF every night this week.
We bring them in.
Oh no! I got that wrong! The weather page I had up? That was for Warsaw!
So, mostly satisfying. But also tedious and insignificant in the scheme of things.
You will not be surprised, therefore, that all the rest of my photos will be from dinner. Here you go -- the pictures that, at least for me, demonstrate that even a day with very little at the outset, can ultimately end with quite a lot going for it.
(The arrival.)

(Playing with ah ah.)

(Snowdrop, I found a toy truck that's just like the one we see cleaning the streets on our walks...)

(Yes, sweet one! We can eat outside!)

(You are a fantastic eater...)

(Yes, you can be excused... We just want to linger...)

(No, not done yet... Go play with ah-ah. Oh, but your independence is so disarming!)

She helps us then to put away the chickens. She is all smiles and sweet impulses. Did I say something about a day that was full of tedious elements? Right now I can hardly remember any of them.