I feel like I should post an auto reply today to my email, text messages and phone: are you trying to reach me? sorry, not available. And please do not expect a call back -- I haven't the time.
In other words, my plate is full. So full that I planted zero one plant(s) today.
Morning, showing a tiny bit of sunshine...

Breakfast, where Ed wonders if it really is warm enough to eat on the porch and I am so powering through the day that I say -- yes, it's positively hot! (It's not hot, nor even warm. Suffice it to say that Ed puts on his jacket.)

Immediately after, I go over to the place where I hope to move my mom. We meet up there. This, after a year of no face to face contact. (She is being interviewed by the staff.)

The interview goes well. We'll see how this all plays out.
And then I was left with a dangling hour. I may as well drive over to the nurseries and pick up the still missing annual flowers for the tubs. I would love to put these in of course -- they would add vibrant color to the farmette landscape right now -- but I cannot. One more frosty morning is coming up (Sunday). As it is, I'll have to carry every blooming annual inside. It's easier to just hold them over in their little starter pots.
By then the clock tells me it's pick up time for Snowdrop. My phone is ringing, the messages are popping up, the computer is flashing new emails. I can't get to any of it just now. Maybe next week!
Snowdrop is again in fine spirits. You don't appreciate how much she has missed playing with friends until she spends the entire twenty minute ride to the farmette talking about her two new "besties."
We do spend a good bit of time outside. Snapshots from things and places that grab her today:

Eventually, hunger and tiredness carry us indoors. As if on autopilot, she takes off her shoes and socks, washes her hands, pulls out the "school clips" from her hair.

She chooses her reading material and arranges her snacks and we lose ourselves in the next book and the one after that.
I am opening boxes of new arrivals. Plants. Lots of them. Of my 187 new perennials, only about a dozen aren't here yet. How am I going to get them all in the ground? Just taking them out of boxes and trays took over an hour. Whatever did I get myself into this year!!
(plants spilling out everywhere!)

The person you're trying to reach is not available right now, or tomorrow or the day after....