But I do think that some days are just packed with significant moments. They come flying at you, one after another and at the end of it all, you're happy, exhausted, whirling from the pace, yet deeply satisfied.
And you have no time to reflect, to write about it, to offer commentary. Midnight's awfully near, and your feet are aching, and you don't trust yourself at the computer: you may end up resting your finger too long one one key and dozing off, only to wake up later with pages upon pages filled with F's or A's or Z's. It's happened more than once.
Today was very very full of those grand moments. Perhaps to the Ocean reader it seems ho hum: get up, eat, go to market, cook, eat again, clean up and go to bed.
Oh, but wait! It's all in the details! I don't have time or enough oomph to write about it, but let's look at the photos together. People, doing very ordinary things. Thrilling, ordinary, beautiful things.
Up early. I have house guests! I have to run through my morning routines before they stir. And they are early stirrers!
I snip lilies, just enough to make the flower fields look happy. Some 500. And when I look up, I see that Primrose and her mom are on the porch. Throw down my pail and go inside.
Hi little girl!

Do you want to walk the magic path with grandma to pick blueberries? Yes? Okay!

The girl does love blueberries. Straight off the bush -- they're heavenly! Primrose's little fingers deftly search out the ripe ones...

The path is pretty nice too!

Breakfast. First at the table? Primrose and Ed.

Soon to be joined by parents.

My two little girls....

Today is the first day that our local corn growers (Stoneman's Farms) are selling corn! To eat sweet corn picked early that same morning is bliss. So we drive over, just four minutes up the road and let Primrose sit in their tractor...

And, too, I let her pick out our dozen+1 ears.

A trip to Stoneman's always involves a visit with their goats.

From there, it's straight to the downtown Farmers Market, where we meet up with the other young family.

I have quite the list. Peas. Asparagus, 'cause someone still has it. Dill. Basil. tomatoes and carrots in many hues. Flowers. My bag fills with the essentials of summer.
Eventually, we turn toward the shady lawn of the Capitol. It's a warm day. We rest.
My awesome threesome.

Well, some of us don't rest for very long!

Slow down, little ones! Sit with us!

Later, I'm at the farmette, I'm getting busy. I'm cooking dinner for ten. I fall back on a menu my daughters loved when they were young ("crunchy chicken"). It goes well with pasta and today -- corn! For dessert, I look for what's growing in the garden. Rhubarb. Lots of it. And of course, blueberries. I bake a rhubarb-blueberry galette (from Ottolenghi's book).

They're all here! Time to get that photo that I covet twice a year -- once in the winter, then again in the summer: me and my brood!

Dinner. Despite the heat, everyone votes for the porch.
(Two young families, a good friend, and Ed...)

Old and young. Big and teeny...

Happy, just to be sharing a meal, at the two tables pulled together. Until the light grows dim and the little ones get a little tired and the big ones get very, very tired.
A full and beautiful summer day!