Let's not dwell on the unfortunate small details of the day. Why make yourself feel bad for being a distracted driveway backer outer yet again? Why not focus on the pretty sunshine early in the morning...

... and skip over my hurried exit down that driveway, because that exit resulted in me grazing the snowbank yet again and so there I was, stuck in icy snow, wheels spinning, clock ticking.
Ed! I'm so so sorry to wake you but...
Although we are adhering to strict protocols of isolation still, I have resumed the regular medical screenings and checkups that have been postponed for years now, first because, well, for no reason actually, but then postponed for a good reason -- COVID. Time to get back on track, starting with this morning and this is when I back out into a terribly unpleasant snow pile.
Ed cannot push me out in time for my appointment and so I hop into his car (so happy we dug that one out yesterday!) and drive off, as he continues to rock the rusty baby back and forth, back and forth. By the time I return, the car is in its proper parking spot and all is quiet with the world.
Breakfast. Quietly, sweetly, gratefully.

I had just bragged to my doc, that saintly person who has been putting in double duty in the hospitals all COVID season long, that Ed and I have been walking/skiing every day, every single day and now the morning turns to afternoon and the afternoon turns to late afternoon and we're not walking. We are having March weather: the temps are just a hiccup above freezing (finally!), which is nice, very very nice, but this means that the piles of snow are slowly melting, leaving behind ice and slush. If you're lucky you'll avoid both but then you have to contend with mud. It's not the best time to be out on hiking trails! So we revolt and stay on our couches, except that the guilt is too strong, way too strong. I go outside. Alone. Ed thinks an occasional do nothing day is just fine. And I'm not too ambitious either: I do a quick loop around the new development. And the late late afternoon sunshine just feels so good on your face...
(looking toward the farmette from the new development...)
Lots of good spring days are ahead of us. For sure.