You may think that I am backing away from a long post because it is so very late, but in truth, I just don't think my words here would treat this day well. And I don't think you would want details anyway. You're better off just catching the flavor, the feel of the day. For this, photos work well.
Here they are -- glance at them if you want. Enjoy them, puzzle over them. I hope they tell a story. Or at least give vignettes of a full day, well spent!
First, brunch with my younger daughter. Just she and I. To catch up.

Meanwhile, preparations for the shower honoring the soon to be born child are in full swing. My older girl has coordinated nearly everything. When I pull in to their dad's place, most of the work has already been done.

Young couple arrives...

They take in everything...

My two pregnant girls...

Snowdrop wakes up from her nap...

Family and friends...

(Some friends date back all the way to young school years...)

So many treats to sample!

Pictures to draw...

Pictures to take and have taken...

And in the end, when nearly all have left, presents to open.

Snowdrop rejoices: she will loooove that!
Yes, she will. And even more, the little babe and her parents will surely love having such a wide circle of people who care deeply about their well being.
Outside, the snow begins to fall. Wet, mushy city snow. It will all melt shortly. And spring will come and with it -- new life.