Monday, July 22, 2024

return to farmette life

Yes, it went quickly. One day I am immersed in my younger daughter's Chicago life -- her market, her local coffee shop, a walk to the park around the corner, a dinner in a new neighborhood bistro -- the next morning, I am spending the last precious minutes, watching them march through their morning routines. Get the girls dressed, pack a lunch, feed hungry mouths, braid hair, put on sunscreen. (The younger girl is in her same school for the summer, but the older girl is onto a new experience -- bikers' camp -- for the week.)


(good morning!)

(to you as well!)

(hair braided: check!)

(hair braided: check)

(time to go? really?)

The little one is off and away, I read Ramona with the older one and then she leaves, I leave, the visit is behind us. Sigh... Well, no matter -- I'll see them next month for sure.

I asked for coffee shop recommendations -- they have so many! Should I try a new one? -- they point me to Allez. Sounds French! I drive over -- oh, but it feels neigborhoody and very Chicago! Just perfect!

Equipped once again with a croissant and a milky coffee for the car ride (oh, the crumbs!), I head home.


It's a strange day in all other respects: the garden is a mess and I mostly let it stay that way. (I snip away a couple hundred flowers just on my path in and out of the farmhouse so that it wouldn't pain me to look at all that neglect!) 







There had been a storm the night I was away: four inches of rain fell in a very short period of time. Everything is damp, made more so by the muggy air outside. I decided to wait until tomorrow morning to do a thorough clean sweep. It'll be me and the mosquitoes out there!

Too, I promised to do the one month walk through over at Steffi's House. The construction crew will be back to make minor adjustments to their work in places where adjustments are needed (almost none!). While there, I said goodbye to the young Polish mom and her baby -- they're traveling back home tomorrow. Needless to say, I dont envy her the nine hour flight with a newborn!

Back home, I feel I could do with a nap, but instead, I take to making lists. So many lists! Then I throw it all down (attending to what's on the lists is a whole 'nother project for another day!), have a nice cup of coffee and exhale.

A short spell digging up the flower bed by the driveway, a check in on my very reluctant to do anything at all mother, and then I call it quits. Tomorrow is another day, right?


(almost ready for planting)


(the cleaned up trumpets in the late afternoon...)

Evening at home. Reheated soup, a movie, a quiet moment. To think, to plan, to savor. And to love.