A hot day. I wouldn't be surprised if we broke records. I put on sun screen and shorts. That says it all, doesn't it?
We have no rain, but tonight this may change. Like much of the central states, Wisconsin will likely be hit with storms. I get it: hot weather often brings a trail of storms. And yes, I want those rains so much! But can't we just get an English shower plain and simple? You know, the light patter of a steady drizzle, say for one day. Can't we forget the storms and keep things quiet?
No use asking: I do not have any special rapport with the weather gods. Snowdrop claims she can talk to the wind and I believe her (though it may be a one-sided conversation), but I have no such talents.
Hot days here in Wisconsin often come with perfect mornings and today fits that pattern beautifully. My morning walk to tend to the animals is heavenly...

(what's blooming?)
And breakfast on the porch? It could not be more beautiful. Indeed, I tell Ed that this perhaps is the prettiest of all the porch mornings of the year. And so we linger.

But not for terribly long. I need to return to my planting. And I do, working nonstop, putting in a total of 38 new plants. It takes many hours. With the drought, the soil is hard and unrelenting. Too, I start feeling sorry for plants that are already in the ground and I keep pausing to give this one a little water and then that one, and its neighbor.
(I work, Dance sleeps)
And this is all I do, all day long. No reading, no lounging, no resting, no special writing. I work in the flower fields.
Suppertime. The young family is not here today. (They're at some baseball game. Amazing how your kids can develop interests that are uniquely theirs. You could not get me to a stadium on a hot day even with a promise of a sizeable reward!) I bake a frittata and sit down on the couch with Ed and I do believe it will be very hard to get up again.
But what a day! What a stunning, scented, sublime second day of May.