This is the perfect morning for a rosie ride (for the newcommers -- rosie is my red moped) to Lake Waubesa.
I'm keeping the post short today. Photos from the ride, nothing more.
I like the lake best before the sun pushes through the horizon. For the real moment of sunrise, I take rosie to a hill of corn.
Just before the first burst of sunlight:
And just after, from a different perch.
One more look at the quickly ascending sun and the changing hues -- from red to gold:
And there you have it -- another beautiful September morning.
The ride back to the farmette is due west, so that I have the sun on my back and the crimson fields of soy before me.
I pull into our dirt road, past the old orchard...
And settle in to work.
I should note that Saturday afternoon brought much needed rain. Ed and I heaved plastic and bricks up on the porch roof to cover the gaping holes.
Now the rains have passed, the sun is with us again. The month of perfect weather. Absolutely perfect.