We wake up to rain in Amsterdam. A steady rain -- the kind that will wet your shoes and have you look down to avoid puddles. The kind that makes you want to stay indoors.
(outside our window: rain)

(outside our window: small car recharging...)

I pack us up. Could I fit us into our original bags, with no overload, Aubrey and bunnies and some kid clothing additions notwithstanding? I can! Looks like we can skip sending bags through. That's always a relief!
Breakfast then. Twists and turns along narrow hallways to the breakfast room.

I could sit at this table by the window for a long time. The dining room seems empty. Are people heading home for the holiday, or are they simply sleeping in?

Lovely morning meal! A breakfast buffet always tempts me. Today, I show little restraint.
(the girl, in her Vermeer moment)

(And back along the Ambassade corridors...)

I consider a city walk. We should do it! There'll be plenty of time for tablets and books later!
And yet, the motivation is low. That rain! Do we really want to walk those wet streets of Amsterdam this morning?
Miraculously, as if listening to our grumbles, the rain pauses. We're out!
Snowdrop wants to walk to the zoo, to the botanical gardens, to the park, but there's no time for lengthy promenades. She agrees to the little park by the Rijksmuseum. 18 minutes each way. We're on it!

(how I would love to pick up a bouquet to bring home!)

(with the Museum towers in the background)

The line to the Museum was long yesterday (even if you had tickets). It's super long today. That's okay, the park requires no waiting, not tickets. And inside, she finds something that fascinates her -- a fountain with water from all sides. Occasionally some of the jets pause and you can step inside. Like this!
(water from all sides)

(you can't exit until the jets create an opening...)

And that is our last bit of fun. We walk back toward our hotel, pausing at the Wolf Cafe and Bakery for some baked goods to take to the airport. And now it's time to claim our suitcases and say good bye to the incredibly friendly staff of the Ambassade. (There it is -- the hotel, across the canal Herengracht.)

The airport is not terribly chaotic today. We breeze through security, passport control -- in plenty of time for our flight to Detroit.
Nine hours later we are in the Midwest. And by 10 pm we are in Madison. Ed is there, Snowdrop's dad is there. Happiness abounds. For me as well -- there were moments during the trip when I felt... old-ish. In need of a nap perhaps. Or, a calm hour with a cup of herbal tea. No kidding!
And yet we continued and it was beautiful. The girl always listens for hints on how to be the best possible traveler. She tries hard to do the right thing. It makes for a beautiful travel adventure!
How's stuff at the farmette? -- I ask Ed.
All quiet. Missed you!
I smile.
with so much love...