If I get up to let the cheepers out, will you put together the crib today?
Well, he wasn't really awake, but it was enough of a verbal affirmation that I could roll it out later in the event I couldn't otherwise twist his arm to do the (rather big) job of assembling a sleeping place for Snowdrop.
Ed isn't being difficult. He knows I don't need a crib at the farmhouse right at this minute. But the look of chaos in the mudroom -- large boxes leaning every which way -- is enough to make me recoil. I'm the one who will always push for change if the current state of affairs appears uncertain or dicombobulated.
I did a quick dash to the barn to open up the coop. If you pretend in your head that you're not cold, most of the time you can convince yourself of this, so long as you're not out for more than a few minutes. I pushed that limit!
Morning photo:

Breakfast photo:

Part II
Though for the young parents, life is not yet anywhere near normal, I have to say that my days are closer to the routines I had prior to the birth of little Snowdrop. Oh, sure, I still make my way to their house to help, but I come back before dark and I pick up my computer and I go back to stories I was working on before all this wonderful madness came to pass. Most noticeably, as compared to last week, I can now sleep at night again.
A word about today's visit with Snowdrop. She is dressed up for her grandma's arrival, that's for sure!

(Goldie the cat wants to know: is this new changing pad for me? What?! It's for the baby?! For sure?)

And there is a big change in Snowdrop's behavior as well -- she is now clearly starting to focus her gaze and so you could say that she can follow a picture book in ways that are totally rewarding for the person (me) who is turning the pages and reading the words. Well, not necessarily reading: had I been reciting the Declaration of Independence, she would not have known the difference.

Yes, little Snowdrop needs help navigating the suddenly very complicated (and colorful!) world around her and it is so very rewarding to be there for at least part of the day to help guide her through the chaos. But at the end of the day, I retreat to the farmhouse, make sure the cheepers have had a good day, type out a few sentences on my laptop and stir things in pots for our supper.
And Ed puts the finishing touches on the crib.
It has been a very good set of days for little Snowdrop. For all of us.