We have a gentle day.
A late breakfast...

And a bit of work on some accounting stuff and mom stuff and then we break out! Off for a bigger walk in a bigger space: we drive to Indian Lake, where the trails crisscross a forest, touch a lake and meander past prairie grasses.
It's late afternoon and so the light moves from being sweet to being exquisite!

Are you a forest person? Or a meadow lark? And does it change for you in the winter?
I've been loving the hush of a forest this season. Indian Lake County Park doesn't have many pines or firs, but still, the quiet is profound, especially on a weekday, after a holiday.

The lake itself is not frozen. This is unusual for January: whatever layer of ice was here in November is almost gone.

(an eagle? an eagle!)

Oh, but the views, though not grand or spectacular, are in fact serenely beautiful.

Our hike is longer than we'd planned so that by the time we drive home, the sun has long vanished. No matter. For once I am not in a rush. That demands of life resume tomorrow. Today, we move slowly, with a winter calm that you wish would stay within you all season long.