Are you awake? This from Ed. Early. Like way before dawn. He wants to show me what the person he hired in Argentina, a woman who is an origami expert, came up with in terms of shape folding. (He's been working on ways to cut and fold sheet metal to needed specifications and he decided he could use some artistic expertise.) She charges $10 an hour and she came up with not one but four ways to create the shape we need!
It is impressive how much you can collaborate with persons in remote corners of the world on various projects. Still, it is also very early in the morning. And now the cats are up and the house is no longer in slumber mode.
I go outside. It's icy cold, but not as cold as it will be by the middle of the month. And that cold is much needed! You skip the deep freeze one year and bugs that should not survive here in Wisconsin ravage the summer landscape. We depend on our super cold weather. My one gripe this year is that we haven't the snow to make it a fun kind of cold.


And now I am busy, extremely busy because to you it may be Friday, but to one of my grandchildren it is the 5th! Snowdrop turns 9 today. So I have to bake a cake, per her specification: it must be chocolate, with chocolate frosting, but not only. She requested dabs of lemon frosting decoration and candied violets throughout. It's actually sweet that she remembers bits of this fancy work that I'd brought to cakes in the past. I get to work.

Too, they're all coming here for a dinner celebration. (Her instructions: crunchy chicken and spaghetti pasta and roasted asparagus with lemon, no, maybe corn after all, please!) And of course, I need to pick them up at school, and, too, we have a balloon errand to run and my daughter to pick up, oh, and an ice cream cake to buy for tomorrow's party -- I tell you, it's a busy set of hours!
(pick up)
(paper/balloon store)

(ice cream and ice cream cakes)

at the farmhouse

(Sandpiper comes!)


(the cake)

(with mommy)

Amazing girl! Smiled all day long! Happy happy day indeed!
With so much love...