On my morning bike ride, I encountered two ducks. This is not unusual by any means. Ducks are a common thing in town. These ducks made me pause enough to create a traffic problem on the bike path. They seemed to have a strong attachment to the view of Madison’s skyline. What a gorgeous spot for them to meet on their date! They are on a date, right?
Last night I spoke to my mother, a resident of Berkeley California. She enjoys conversing with me in winter when she can compare and contrast weather patterns. She has a particularly strong aversion to Wisconsin January temperatures. This conversation did not go so well. We have been having some gorgeous skies lately. And the third week of April finally wipes out the gray in favor of this:
It’s raining in Berkeley. A lot, I hear. It’s terrible to admit to inferior weather when you are a Californian. I tried to be especially nice on the phone. One shouldn’t gloat too much, it’s unbecoming.