And now comes the string of sunny days. More typical for our February. What else is more typical? Waking up to this:

Of course, it's an insignificant dusting and it will melt. I do believe this has been our warmest, most snow-free winter yet. For us, this kind of a winter is a disappointment, but for anyone involved at a serious level with snow-related activities -- it's nearly a disaster. I heard that the US is holding (for the first time in 20 years!) the cross-country skiing World Cup races in Minneapolis, beginning this Saturday. Yes, they were prepared for the possibility of little snow. But they could hardly operate their snow-making machinery, because it's been too warm this last month! They're struggling!
Breakfast. Hurry up, Ed! The cat is waiting for her petting session.

For a good part of the morning, I studied cameras and photography stuff online. I carry my Fuji camera with me everywhere and I travel with it as well -- bulky lens and all. But my last trip gave me serious pause: when I stick the camera in my backpack, it takes up a chunk of space. Like, most of the space there. Moreover, the new screening machines at airports are sensitive to its complicated mechanics and that backpack now always gets sidetracked for an independent hand check. But most importantly, the camera is heavy and I'm wondering why I bother to always take it along, given that a small camera, though with fewer helpful features, would do just fine. Yes, I would miss the photographic flexibility of my big one, but I hate taking it with me to restaurants, for example. And I'm starting to miss the freedom of not being weighed down with machinery. When was the last time I took a walk in a faraway place without a hunched shoulder? Reading and musing about all this takes up a big block of time. Silly, you say? Well sure, but I have had a camera slung around my neck pretty much every day since digital photography took hold (and on occasion, way before that). Is it time to free myself of the burden of always looking for the best photo? When the next best thing will do?
In the afternoon, I go to pick up the kids. I leave the big bulky camera behind. Just to try out not touching the monster for a day. Well, a half day!
(The little camera serves me just fine on a drive-by photo! The pretty snow against a blue sky help...)

Many small classroom challenges crept up for the older two grandkids today. My thoughts? It's much easier if only one has a story of a particular irksome problem or difficulty. Two at once? That can be tough: the car ride is not long enough to accommodate that! Still, by the time we get to the farmette, I felt that we'd come pretty close to letting our a grand exhale. Both of them seemed nearly recovered.

Thank goodness.
In the evening, Ed had a sailing commitment. No, not actual sailing, but some exploratory stuff at the university sailing club. He used to teach there. He may go back to that this summer.
Me, I fried up eggs and baked some cheesy cauliflower. Standard stuff for a solo dinner at the farmhouse.
with love...