It's just a coupe of degrees above freezing, but that's bad news for skiing: the snow cover was never that thick. A day of melting snow, even if it is a gradual melt, will probably put an end to our daily run along the county park trails.
On the other hand, after all those cold days, 34F outside ( 1C) feels mighty warm! I can dash out with minimal winter clothing. This is what March feels like!
Breakfast is late because Ed sleeps late.

Toward the end of the morning hours, the kids arrive with their mom.

We want to bake cookies. True, we dont need more cookies -- our chocolate covered ginger collection is copious. But the kids rarely bake with me these days and so I pick out a few recipes and allow Snowdrop to select the cookie of her choice out of these contenders. I've stocked the pantry with needed ingredients and immediately after lunch we get started.

I am surprised that both kids stick with it. Each had an interest in cooking with me way back when, but I thought it had waned a bit. Well, it's back!

And each one is a good participant! They're careful with machinery and with pouring. I get none of the usual spills and mishaps that come with young hands in the kitchen.

We stick the cookies (S shaped, because S stands for Snowdrop and Sparrow and Santa) in the oven, leave their mommy in charge of keeping an eye on the baking, and go outside to play.
Yes, Sparrow wants to join us.

But not for long. His cautious nature makes him hesitant and he considers a snow tumble to be the ultimate degradation. Within a few minutes, he is back inside, while Snowdrop continues to chase me around with clumps of snow.
I have no trouble filling my Fitbit step allotment for this day.
Cookies are ready! We wanted to dip them in chocolate, but there's no time. Maybe tomorrow.

In the late afternoon, Ed and I take our chances and head out with our skis for the county park.
Yes, there's just enough snow to do a good run. No photos. I give myself a break from carrying the camera. Besides, we simply repeated yesterday's run, at exactly the same time of day. You can glance back to what I posted then.
One last tiny detail: I picked up our Community Sponsored Agriculture box of veggies for one last time tonight. What do we get in December? Radishes, sunchoke, horseradish whips. Tetsukaboto squash, red cabbage, garlic, onions. Kohlrabi, sweet potato, orange carrots.
I remember when I picked up the first CSA box of the year, back in April. The pandemic was in its infant stage. There followed all those boxes of veggies during three seasons of shopping only from home. Thank you Harmony Valley farmers! You kept us stocked through tough times. We are so very grateful.
With love...