I can't even remember when my two friends of some forty plus years and I have gone somewhere together. I've seen each, of course. Not as much as I'd like to -- Diane lives in Florida, Barbara -- New Mexico, but still, we make an effort to meetup when we can. But as a band of three? Oh, it's been a while!
We all remember the very first trip where we spent time together with our wee kids across the ocean. So, now, our once wee kids have wee ones of their own and we haven't the constraints of those young parent years. And still, it's hard to coordinate dates. And here's the big question: where should we go together?
Would you believe it -- we choose Wisconsin. It's a question of convenience and sentimental attachment. We all lived here once! And some of us still live here, and we all have some family in the neighborhood and so it really is a good place to reunite. And it's fortuitous that we should have chosen a destination not far from my home, since I'm not allowed to travel far or sit in airplanes just yet. We're going to spend a weekend together a mere 45 minute drive from the farmette. Just about perfect!
We decided on a house rental (through AirBnB) and it took a while to find the most perfect place. We'll drive up there tomorrow and I'll say more about it then, but today we are all meeting up (finally) at the farmhouse. For a take out dinner and strategic planning!
That's in the afternoon. The morning is devoted to knee contemplation. First, at sunrise, I give a lot of thought to why it is so hard to get this body part moving again. Ten steps back, just by staying in bed most of the night!
I then do the usual: move it, ice it, nap.
And then it's rather a rushed (but delicious!) breakfast.
Why rushed? Because I have my date with the PT assistant to David. Whereas David was modestly positive, this guy is full of peppy upbeat messaging: Way ahead of others! Now it's a rollercoaster, but in a couple of weeks, it will settle down! Doing this well! Doing that well! A one person cheerleading squad. Done in ten minutes.
Since scheduling pick ups are complicated with the coming and going of so many people, Snowdrop is with her family after school today. Me, I learn how to plant replacement flowers without twisting my new knee into weird (and therefore painful) positions. And I water the pots. And admire all that the farmette now delivers.
(Animal watering station -- looking good with that burst of pink!)
(A welcoming entrance to the courtyard --which really is the heart of the farmette)
And then Diane comes and eventually Barbara is here too and it is almost like old times, except that we are older than we were in old times. We are all in our 70s. Amazing to remember that we met when I was just 28!
(dinner on the porch -- it's that warm outside...)
Alright: the goal is to feel rested as we set out on our adventure, tame as it may seem! A good night to all!
With love...